National Premium Beer
is a true American Pilsner with a crisp, clean finish.
Brewed in limited quantities, this light Lager is perfect as a "session beer" for a good crab feast or baseball game.
Available by the bottle in 6 packs, as well as by the case. Half Barrels, Quarter Barrels and Sixtels are available for Draft Beer.
American Pilsener
Carapils Malt
Cascade & Hallertau

National Premium does not provide an unlimited market with unlimited quantity. On the contrary, it is a beer of definite originality -a beer of narrow boundaries -appealing to men and women who know the values of a pale dry beer -rich in hard, clean malted grains -doubly fermented by a slow, old fashioned process -and then seasoned with care with an infusion of an unusual blending of hops.
National Premium is the limited production of a small brewery -made available for that group of men and women who know and understand beer.
National Premium does not provide an unlimited market with unlimited quantity. On the contrary, it is a beer of definite originality -a beer of narrow boundaries -appealing to men and women who know the values of a pale dry beer -rich in hard, clean malted grains -doubly fermented by a slow, old fashioned process -and then seasoned with care with an infusion of an unusual blending of hops.
It is a beer for the woman who knows the superiority of a camellia over a gardenia -for the man who responds to the fine points of a good dog, of a trim little boot -of a horse full of nerves.
National Premium is a beer which should delight such people -prove interesting in its lawny shading -intriguing in its brilliant contrast of lively body and stark white creamy crown -captivating in its suave though outspoken character.
We do not wish to promote this beer as a popular brew. But we should like to permit it to make friends for itself among men and women who can enjoy it with understanding and discrimination.