The original Pale Dry Beer has returned to Baltimore.
For the first time since 1996, National Premium is being brewed in Baltimore! The liquid behind the iconic brand will now be contract brewed by Heavy Seas at their Halethorpe Brewery for the National Brewing Company.
Background Image courtesy of Unsplash contributor @teofromrio
A taste of our history…
As the name states, National Premium was an upscale beer.
It was the ritzy brother of Baltimore’s National Brewing Company’s more popular blue-collar brew, National Bohemian.
National Premium’s icon Mr. Pilsner, (originally spelled with an extra “e” Pilsener) sported a monocle and often donned a tuxedo.
News & Updates
Look out for our new packaging at your local retailers, starting in Fall, 2022
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Premium Merch
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